
Being True Believers In Practice – Many Have Mixed Standards

I am speaking about Christians who do “Prayers and Bible Reading” or a Church Role included. I have Witnessed and Encountered bad behavior or poor behaviour numerous times through the years from some of these people.

Let’s do the maths and take inventory. Let’s do this prayerfully. Are you ready?

What do 1 Corinthians 13 Hosea 6:6 and Philippians 4 have in common? Let us see today!

So often I have found through the years that a Christian will act one way with The Lord and a different way with others or someone they don’t like much or disagree with. Have you encountered such behavior? I have been a recipient of such and have known Christians who have also.

I suggest these offending ‘Christians’ need to take their rose tainted glasses off when they read their bibles because the Scriptures have much to say about behavior.…

Some Dilemmas In My Experience With Church People Through The Years

I’m making a Line of Demarcation here with that which is Christian Behavior according to Scripture and that which Is Not – for the purpose of this Article, we will call that “Church Behavior”

Friends, when we Become Christians, we are told in Scripture to have Godly Behavior – that is to “Be on our Best” Behavior…….not our Worst, that is Not Acceptable…….that “IS OUT With God Almighty” OK?

“Let those who Use the Name of The Lord depart from Iniquity”

For many years now, Church Christians have been “Getting Away With A Lot” 1. While calling themselves Christians 2. Attending Services 3. Singing Songs and Breaking Bread 4. Praying for Needs to be Met 5. Looking Good in the Pastors Eyes (they act different when they are around them)

This is Not “Being Answerable To God” is it? Come against “Part-Time Christianity”……..that’s…

Preachers And Scripture: Being Truly Wise What Spiritual Diet We Choose

Most Christians – Genuine Christians – are “Teachable” and the NAR Movement (New Apostolic Reformation) Plays on that. It is their best weapon. Mixing Truth with Error so the Christians buy it.

Aka they take Catch Words from Scripture like “Kingdom”…..”Grace”….. that APPEAL to CHRISTIANS and give them a different Emphasis with a different Meaning. Introducing Extra-Biblical “Truths” – that’s the way they do it.

And mind you, the NAR Moment has All-Manner of Preachers Out There across the Christian Landscape. Meaning there is sure to be 2 OR 3 Preachers which “Appeal” to Everyone.

Everyone who falls for them, that is MANY have, depending how mature you are in their Walk with Jesus (godly character) and how Well they Know Scripture (not just read or hear it) they can have their foot in the door in a short amount of time.…

Loveless Christianity: Come Against It But Don’t Defect From The Faith

That’s it. That’s enough for me, I’ve really had enough of this kind of thing.
I’m confronting an issue many of you have had with Churchy-Christians.
That Is:
Unkind Words, Repeated Unanswered Phone Calls and Texts.

After an awful lot of this in recent years, I sent a Text to the last Offender I will ever put up with again.
It reads:

“This will make you happy. You can delete my Nb if you wish. Just don’t worry about it. I almost broke the other day from repetitions of this kind of thing. Christians have been used to almost decimate my Faith in Christianity at times with their heartless communications.
I thought you were more mature.”

My Honesty was then Misconstrued.

She texted these words back to me: You deliberately guilt people into answering the phone. Your texts and conversations are full of manipulative strategies/language.…

New Phenomena: What Should We Say?

As some of us are aware, there is a real change that is taking place in people’s vocabulary and ways of communicating that has been of considerable concern to me last year.Some trends you may not have noticed yet – we all should know.

That’s  wicked,  I like it!(That’s really good, I like it.) 
What makes this recipe  insanely  good?(What makes this recipe so delicious, it’s so good?) 
I’ve been  crazy,  I’m going really  crazy.(I’ve been really busy, I’m getting so busy, I’ve little time for anything.) 
Someone reaches the end of a busy day and says “I’m  wrecked!” Really? Do you know what you’re speaking over yourself? 
You should try this recipe, it’s  damn  delicious!(You should try this recipe, it’s really delicious!) 
Damn has to do with damnation, there’s nothing good about that. 

What do we see here?…

What Fellowship Is And What It Is Not



Many Of Us Have Been Reaching Out For More In Recent Years Hey?

Some For Decades, Because Years Ago We Were Expecting Things To Change. Is That Right? This Address Will Let You Know Why We Have Not Seen Those Changes Yet – A Real Move Of His Spirit In Our Midst – Healings And Miracles – Signs And Wonders!

Have you wondered why these things are not here yet? Does The Lord lead us down the garden path? Why has He Commenced to MOVE in Some Places and Not in Others? Let me share some Insights with you.

Many Christians are so Immature in Communicating – they have an “Insiders and Outsiders” mentality. You are either In their Click or Not, you make it or you don’t with them.…

Misleading Televangelists







Yes their Money is their God and they dare to lay guilt trips on you.

Jesus says they can’t serve two Masters…..if the Love of Money

has become their God,

Jesus is no more their Master (the One we set our affections on).

Don’t follow after their example, it will lead you astray.

Money is not evil, it’s when it gets out of hand that offends God!

Take your guidance from Scripture

1 Timothy 6:10 ESV

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.

Concerning Observations

Just before New Year each year I find the following in my Site Activity Report and maybe we should all ask ourselves why, in a festive season? Or pray that during each year, we can make a difference in the lives of those around us, even if in some small and consistent way. 
That would be truly Christian.
The Site Activity Report  from Mid December to Mid January shows me 
that some Christians are disturbed by Poor Christian Behavior. 
I have alerted you about worldly religions and some Christian Cults
in some posts and have also covered some surprising things that some Christians are doing, unaccounted for – hidden and out in the open in a recent Post – so they can think twice and deal with those things because they’re not kidding Jesus. How long have you been kidding yourself and saying that’s alright

I wrote “Let’s all start this New Year on a good note – leaving ways that offend The Lord and others behind us, a thing of the past.…

In These Last Days

In these days, so close to Jesus’ Coming, we need to keep these things in mind. Many Christians are not practicing the Carefulness they need to that Scripture speaks of concerning Preachers. Also many have a Careless attitude in regards to sin and are living with Mixed Standards. Are we following Jesus the way He intended?

Colossians 3:12-15 Reads like this:  

12 God has chosen you and made you His holy people. He loves you. So you should always clothe yourselves with mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. 13 Bear with each other, and forgive each other. If someone does wrong to you, forgive that person because The Lord forgave you. 14 Even more than all this, clothe yourself in love. Love is what holds you all together in perfect unity. 15 Let the peace that Christ gives control your thinking, because you were all called together in one body to have Peace.…

Ungodly Behavior Among Christians

Is this you or have you been affected by it?

This post is thought provoking and is written in the interest of Unity among those who are members of His Body, bringing healing to those who need it and correction to those who need it. Grace and Peace to all.

We are called to be like Jesus, reflecting His Nature with each other and to those who don’t know Him. We are also meant to “encourage and strengthen each-other all the more as the Coming of The Lord draws near. Uplift and Edify” 1 Thess 5:11 (JV)

Every so often, I am prompted to write articles concerning Christian’s behavior because it is so necessary. Do you know that our manner is supposed to bring healing to those around us and the fragrance of Christ into someone’s day? (including our fellow Christian) Not the opposite.

Where Are the Tares Jesus Spoke of?

Where are the Tares Jesus spoke of in the kingdom parable? Right in the Church Scene Today! The Lord spoke of Wheat and Tares, and that both would grow together until the End of the Age. Then at that time, they would be separated and the Righteous would Shine like their Father. I want to do that, do you?

I’ve had this concern for many months now, so I have carried this message in my spirit for  about three years before writing it. There are important things that must be addressed by  all of us – like it or not. Many Christians are desperately hurting because of behavior patterns of immature Christians AND Tares (people who profess to be Christians and are not).

They go to Church and do some things that are accepted to be Christian but some of their behaviour and lifestyle indicates that they are not True Christians and even those in the world many times, can recognize that “they are not good people” – they are not portraying Jesus to them.

Only One Jesus – Be Aware of These Things

All Christians are aware of different religions but many are ignorant of certain subtleties out there. We are living in the day of different gospels – different messages and prophets. This IS the day Jesus spoke of where there will be false prophets and anti-christs. The apostle Paul said that Christians can be deceived. You should read this post for yourselves  and  others.

Please make sure you have the facts – this is important!

There are many ways to fall away from The Faith – that is in Christ Jesus.

You should be aware of them. If not for your sake, for someone else.

There are actually Christians falling away to JWs (Jehovahs Witnesses)

a Christian cult called The Message by William Branham……even to

Muslim and Mormon followings.

Yes it’s true and I will tell you why. They are looking for more sincerity

in others’ dedication to God or love for one-another because they see a lack

of it in Christian circles often – maybe even their family – so they’re searching for truth

or sometimes vulnerable and they encounter someone in one of these cults, where

they have a ‘better experience’ with people.…

To Be Christlike

Christlike – To Be Or Not To Be

Like many of my writings, I asked the Holy Spirit for a title with this article. That is so important. I also do this when writing spiritual poems. The title can make all the difference and this one bears the Heart of God – what concerns Him the most. “Father, I pray that they would love one-another as we love one-another and that they would be one even as we are one”.


Jesus wants us to “love the Lord our God with all our heart and all our mind and all our strength and treat each-other as we like to be treated”. Yes!


If we want to be His and live for Him, there’s no way around that.

There really is’nt. So many things our conversations and sermons we hear major on while those things that were more important to Jesus are treated with less importance and sometimes are missing – I mean completely left out and we consider ourselves to be spiritual.