I am speaking about Christians who do “Prayers and Bible Reading” or a Church Role included. I have Witnessed and Encountered bad behavior or poor behaviour numerous times through the years from some of these people.
Let’s do the maths and take inventory. Let’s do this prayerfully. Are you ready?
What do 1 Corinthians 13 Hosea 6:6 and Philippians 4 have in common? Let us see today!
So often I have found through the years that a Christian will act one way with The Lord and a different way with others or someone they don’t like much or disagree with. Have you encountered such behavior? I have been a recipient of such and have known Christians who have also.
I suggest these offending ‘Christians’ need to take their rose tainted glasses off when they read their bibles because the Scriptures have much to say about behavior.…