Walking With Jesus: Don’t Be Like These

Please Take Note!

Don’t Walk the Way of Bigots; Don’t Walk the Way of Liars; Don’t Walk the Way of Selfish People – There are None of Those in Heaven. Beware of the Impatient Breed and the Greed Breed – Don’t behave like Them because They don’t Make It either. It goes without Saying that the Mean and the Nasty will Never Get there – so be Mindful of Your Words if You Say You are a Christian. There are too Many of Those in Churches – They Make God’s House Desolate (many have left the Faith because of them)

And let not the Same Mouth that Praises The Lord Speak any Bad or False or Deceitful Language – You can be Sure that None of These will Go Unpunished. We will assuredly Give an Account for ALL those Words. Swear Words and Profane Words are Out. I know a few “Christians” who use them when they feel like it (they’re upset or angry about something) yes they swear when it suits them, just like someone in the World!

How is it that when we Feel like behaving in these ways, we say to ourselves “It doesn’t Matter” when JESUS says it Does. Do You Really Believe in Him or perhaps you Really Don’t? Not His Words anyway, if you don’t LIVE by them – you’re Kidding Yourself, but Jesus Never.

He doesn’t have to put up with those Standards, and Indeed He won’t when He Comes. We will actually get to hear those familiar Words “Away from Me now, I don’t know You” and the Ancient Doors will Close – we Left it too late to Change our Ways – maybe a lifetime of “Christianity” and His WORDS were there in front of us the Entire time.

How could they share the “Joy of Sins Forgiven” with someone who is Seeking, when they still tolerate those Sins? Or those listed on this Page.  Your Pastors don’t bring them up because they don’t want to lose their Numbers or their Offerings.

Most of them are into preaching Social Gospel – known as Christless Preaching. If JESUS is not the Focus/Centre of their “Preaching” you need to be “Out of there” it’s impossible for you to Grow Spiritually in that kind of Environment.

Honestly Friends, if Jesus tapped some of those Preachers on the shoulder to get their attention, they would say something like “This is my show here, don’t interrupt me” they are so devoid of the Holy Spirit of God. Yes, Really!

Come against Luke Warm Christianity – maybe it is You He is Speaking about – not so much “the church” what is He Saying to You Today? Did You really Hear Him? I fear for some of you – including some who think you have it right (you go to church, pray and read the Scriptures) yet you Offend your Family Members, or Brothers and Sisters in Christ and think nothing of it, you don’t find the need for Repentance to God OR those you Offended, yet you take the Bread and Wine in the very next Service. Shame on you – be sure you will bring Judgement on yourself for that. Scripture says that too.

Walking With Jesus: Don’t Be Like These

I’ve seen so many of these “Christians” through the years, and been grieved by some of them aka Careless Christians. They’re a “dime a dozen” ……….ask those who have Fled the Church Scene, that’s Proof enough. Yes, and sadly, their families and Friends get to hear why they left too.

Modern Local Churches are so accustomed to aborting Spiritual Babies because they do not Preach or Practice Holiness and those Babes in Christ feel so Unloved, pretty much abandoned in the presence of those who sit in rows around them listening to the Christless Preaching.

So what is it? Or which areas do you need to improve in to impress Jesus and those around You?

Family, Friends, fellow Christians, New Christians are ALL Important.