
Watch Those Preachers: A Need For Discernment!


You would not believe this. Someone with a Christian Blog wrote that we should not be concerned about False Preachers and Teachers. We should just mind our business and be more concerned with what we do wrong. Would that things were that simple – they’re far from it.

Sorry to say this: that Brother is terribly Naive………and what an Extremist View to take. It’s pretty Risky. Let’s just shut our eyes to the Evil that takes place on the Church Scene shall we? So we can maybe walk blindly into one of those Deceptive Churches run by the Devil’s Servants – none the wiser and become deluded? I think Not, I’d rather Avoid those Calamities. Especially if I am bringing up Kids – it’s so important for them. I don’t like Nasty Surprises.

Can you see the Error in his advice Folks, when JESUS said to “Watch Out for Hirelings” and He described them as wolves in sheep’s clothing?…

Friends, I’ve News For You About Revivals: Don’t Be So Trusting!

All that is like a Phantom Pregnancy – Leading Nowhere – You’re so Engaged in Hearing Preacher’s Voices. They tell you this and they tell you that? They keep telling you to come to Revival Services and telling you Revival is coming OR it’s “over there” somewhere. Be very Careful, you may be better running away from those because Fake Revivals are actually very risky spiritually.

It does not allow much Room to Hear HIS VOICE.

His Instruction is still Clear for Today, Jesus Words to Us were: FOLLOW ME (not the preacher) If You Hear My Words and Do Them You are My Disciples, you Love Me and I will Make you Free!

The Recipe’s the Same, it has not Changed.

Friends, your Guidance is there, your Healing is there, your Victory is there. Not from a Pastor, a Prophet, an Evangelist OR Coming Move of God.…

Do Not Trust In Fools – Deceitful Preachers

Yes, Do Not Trust In Them!

They are Profligates – Marketing their wares like Auctioneers and MLM Marketers.
And they are Extremely Dodgy like Shonky Second-Hand Car Dealers and Mechanics.
They promise to Fix Your Pocket but in reality they Mess with Your Pocket.
They Prey on the Unwise – they like it when people are gullible (easily led)
sadly, that’s the Truth Friends, please Read On for Your Protection.
This is Sure to make you Wiser!!!

They are Forfeiting their Eternity and if you follow their Sinful Ways (their appetite for Money and Worldly prosperity) you will Forfeit Your Eternity. The Enemy has Seduced them – don’t let them Seduce you anymore. Rest Assured, their End is Swift Destruction. They have even told you things like Their Ground is Better Ground to Sow (Your Money) in than Giving to the Poor and Needy – they tell you that you will
Reap a 100 Fold instead of 30 or 60 – that’s an Absolute Outrage!…

God’s Words Or Their Words? Need For Discernment!

Televangelist’s Sins Are Heaping Up High To The Heaven’s, Their Greed Is Worse Than Ever. Their Crafty Ways To Twist And Distort God’s Words To Their Own End Goes On Unchecked In Believer’s Hearts And Minds.


Not The Preacher, Hear His Counsel – A Call To Prudence!

This is a word that is seldom heard these days. It has to do with good judgement, practicing caution – especially with matters concerning money – and applying God’s Wisdom to what we hear……not just taking things at face value.

Friend, you are doing that each time you accept everything you hear because“THE PREACHER SAID IT”

Please have more respect for the pages of your Bible than that.

You have a Bible too, please use it.

The Lord keeps showing me that Christians are getting hurt because they are not acquainted with the Scriptures.…

Preachers And Scripture: Being Truly Wise What Spiritual Diet We Choose

Most Christians – Genuine Christians – are “Teachable” and the NAR Movement (New Apostolic Reformation) Plays on that. It is their best weapon. Mixing Truth with Error so the Christians buy it.

Aka they take Catch Words from Scripture like “Kingdom”…..”Grace”….. that APPEAL to CHRISTIANS and give them a different Emphasis with a different Meaning. Introducing Extra-Biblical “Truths” – that’s the way they do it.

And mind you, the NAR Moment has All-Manner of Preachers Out There across the Christian Landscape. Meaning there is sure to be 2 OR 3 Preachers which “Appeal” to Everyone.

Everyone who falls for them, that is MANY have, depending how mature you are in their Walk with Jesus (godly character) and how Well they Know Scripture (not just read or hear it) they can have their foot in the door in a short amount of time.…

Loveless Christianity: Come Against It But Don’t Defect From The Faith

That’s it. That’s enough for me, I’ve really had enough of this kind of thing.
I’m confronting an issue many of you have had with Churchy-Christians.
That Is:
Unkind Words, Repeated Unanswered Phone Calls and Texts.

After an awful lot of this in recent years, I sent a Text to the last Offender I will ever put up with again.
It reads:

“This will make you happy. You can delete my Nb if you wish. Just don’t worry about it. I almost broke the other day from repetitions of this kind of thing. Christians have been used to almost decimate my Faith in Christianity at times with their heartless communications.
I thought you were more mature.”

My Honesty was then Misconstrued.

She texted these words back to me: You deliberately guilt people into answering the phone. Your texts and conversations are full of manipulative strategies/language.…

Some Preachers Serve God, Some Preachers Serve Themselves.

Self-Serving Preachers: Who Needs Them? Not Jesus!

Give them their walking papers and say “I don’t need You”

You do this best by your absence – it’s OK to leave

Jesus will be waiting the other side of that door to Welcome You

and Walk with You – He is your TRUE SHEPHERD.

Seriously, why do you continue to FEED their Pockets and their EGO!?

Jesus calls them Hirelings NOT Shepherds –

In Reality

They are Not Feeding You – YOU are Feeding Them.

This must STOP – Christians need Discernment.

They’ve brain washed you with their “don’t judge, don’t judge” words.

Effectively, they do not want you to judge them.

YES, Jesus did say “Judge not and you won’t be judged” Mt (7:1-5) Some ministers play on that.

Jesus also said He does not want you to be lacking in Discernment.…

To Tithe Or Not To Tithe – That Is The Question

You mean I can give as I please and feel Free in my heart? “Yes you Can” We will look at Giving with Gladness instead of sadness.

It’s actually New Testament Scriptural… We will actually see what JESUS said And Early Believers Did. You can say “NO” to Church demands & TV Programs And have the JOY of GIVING Restored to You!!!

3 TIMES! The Holy Spirit has given me leading in this Area – including Tithes – through the years. In the 80’s, the 90’s and the last time was in 2012, so I thoroughly Researched it. I had the Bible Verses….and so I sought to find out “Did the Early Believers Tithe?”….and I think you will be as surprised as I was where Christians Tithing Today actually originated from.

I let you know my findings here. I just knew the Holy Spirit could not be wrong.…


Look at Proverbs 3:13-15 , then Verse 17,18

BECOMING HIS BODY of BELIEVERS AGAIN – FUNCTIONING AS A FAMILY! Make your own decisions how you can best do this.

Most Church Services Are Making Christians Spiritually Weak Because There’s No Interaction And The Presence Of God Becomes Something Of Second Importance. In Fact, Most Modern Day Services Are Devoid Of His Presence Because Their Practices Grieve The Holy Spirit. Neither Will Ever Change Lives – They Quench The Moving Of The Spirit Of God. That’s Right, That’s What Most Services Do. Sorry But It’s True. They Will Not Help You Grow Spiritually Like Personal Time Spent In His Presence And Prayer-Reading Scriptures. Also, It’s In Applying Them In Our Daily Lives That We Grow.

Top This Up With “Gatherings of Two or Three” and Family Worship At Home, You Have A Real Pattern For Growth.…

What Fellowship Is And What It Is Not



Many Of Us Have Been Reaching Out For More In Recent Years Hey?

Some For Decades, Because Years Ago We Were Expecting Things To Change. Is That Right? This Address Will Let You Know Why We Have Not Seen Those Changes Yet – A Real Move Of His Spirit In Our Midst – Healings And Miracles – Signs And Wonders!

Have you wondered why these things are not here yet? Does The Lord lead us down the garden path? Why has He Commenced to MOVE in Some Places and Not in Others? Let me share some Insights with you.

Many Christians are so Immature in Communicating – they have an “Insiders and Outsiders” mentality. You are either In their Click or Not, you make it or you don’t with them.…

Church System and Home Churches

Concerning Past, Present and Future – You Should Read This!

I can see the need for Radical Change in How we Fellowship as Christians.

Pastors and Evangelists are still trying to Save the Church Model that has existed for Centuries now since Constantine changed things in 300AD. He had No Right to do that – he was not an Apostle or Father in the Fath, he was the opposite, a Roman Emperor. Do not suppose and many do that he was a friend of Christianity because that was the Enemy’s Next Move to Stop the Church after Persecution did not work – Christians and Ministries alike are Still Ignorant of That.

Governments across the World have been getting quite demanding with their Political Correctness and other Agendas in recent years as to what you can say in Church. And already, many Pastors have Compromised the GOSPEL of CHRIST for SOCIAL GOSPEL…….Never…

Misleading Televangelists







Yes their Money is their God and they dare to lay guilt trips on you.

Jesus says they can’t serve two Masters…..if the Love of Money

has become their God,

Jesus is no more their Master (the One we set our affections on).

Don’t follow after their example, it will lead you astray.

Money is not evil, it’s when it gets out of hand that offends God!

Take your guidance from Scripture

1 Timothy 6:10 ESV

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.

Where Are the Tares Jesus Spoke of?

Where are the Tares Jesus spoke of in the kingdom parable? Right in the Church Scene Today! The Lord spoke of Wheat and Tares, and that both would grow together until the End of the Age. Then at that time, they would be separated and the Righteous would Shine like their Father. I want to do that, do you?

I’ve had this concern for many months now, so I have carried this message in my spirit for  about three years before writing it. There are important things that must be addressed by  all of us – like it or not. Many Christians are desperately hurting because of behavior patterns of immature Christians AND Tares (people who profess to be Christians and are not).

They go to Church and do some things that are accepted to be Christian but some of their behaviour and lifestyle indicates that they are not True Christians and even those in the world many times, can recognize that “they are not good people” – they are not portraying Jesus to them.

Salvation and Christian Growth

Revising When We Find Jesus

This is for everyone to read because there are vital things left out when we found The Lord that help to make a Foundation to our lives in Christ Jesus.

Most of us found Him through the church system and many through a Christian TV program with a one minute Salvation Prayer at the end of it – yes it’s often rushed and on comes the next program, when you have just closed your eyes to pray (usually for the first time) the interruption is so sudden.

Many of us have been introduced to a Church Jesus, with things pertaining to their church, they add to your experience; many have been introduced to a Social Gospel where the scriptural need for Repentance – a change of heart where you decide to go Jesus’ way instead of your own way is left out; the cleansing Blood of Jesus with the Joy of sins forgiven (those things we have done that offend God).