All that is like a Phantom Pregnancy – Leading Nowhere – You’re so Engaged in Hearing Preacher’s Voices. They tell you this and they tell you that? They keep telling you to come to Revival Services and telling you Revival is coming OR it’s “over there” somewhere. Be very Careful, you may be better running away from those because Fake Revivals are actually very risky spiritually.
It does not allow much Room to Hear HIS VOICE.
His Instruction is still Clear for Today, Jesus Words to Us were: FOLLOW ME (not the preacher) If You Hear My Words and Do Them You are My Disciples, you Love Me and I will Make you Free!
The Recipe’s the Same, it has not Changed.
Friends, your Guidance is there, your Healing is there, your Victory is there. Not from a Pastor, a Prophet, an Evangelist OR Coming Move of God.
It’s ALL in JESUS – It Never Changed – The Recipe is the SAME.
He said “If you ABIDE in ME (not even the Church, He is referring to Himself here) YOU will Bear MUCH FRUIT” and You will Have Plenty to Give Out – to People Around You. Did you hear that (with your spiritual ears?) He Never Said “Follow the Preacher” like the Fiddler on the Roof….the One Man Show (pun intended) He said “FOLLOW ME”
There is Salvation in No Other; There is Healing in No Other; Your True Guidance is in No Other. Look to the Rock of Your Salvation – that isn’t your Preacher; Look to Your Healing Balm – that most certainly isn’t your Preacher; Look to your Fountain of LIFE – Only He can Truly quench your Thirst within; Look to our Bread of LIFE – Only the Words He Speaks from within Truly Satisfies.
While each one Looks to his/her Preacher, He Calls Out “Look to the ROCK from where you were hewn”…… “FOLLOW ME…. “If TODAY you would HEAR MY VOICE”……
BODY of CHRIST You have to get over “Leadership Mentality” and “Following the Leader” Mentality if you want to be TRULY Acquainted with Jesus. This Relationship is Intimate from Within not Superfluous from Without.
Nothing else will Satisfy – that’s why you’re always Looking for Something New OR Going Here and Going There……..and Nothing is Happening……. there is No Real Change in Your Life…….. because Jesus Never Planned for these things to be outside of HIM……. He’s the Package, the Real Package…….He’s not silly, He did not Plan it Any Other Way…..You’re being Cheated…..all this Following Preachers is Not the Real Thing…..It’s a Constantine Order of Things.
The Roman Emperor Constantine did not defend the Church, he weakened it – he Changed the way Early Christians did things and made the Church a State Institution because the Devil (Deceiver) knew there would Always be Interference that way – he could meddle in the Affairs of the Church and Misguide Believers with a Lot of Blind Guides, and we would keep missing the Real Thing…….some will say I follow this preacher and others will be saying I follow that preacher……. and the Body of Christ is in Disarray instead of Bearing His IMAGE and We Stand as ONE – taking our Orders from HIM.
And that’s why I call it a Phantom Pregnancy: this Constantine “Follow the Leader” Church System with the False New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) that actually has a Devilish Agenda to Mostly Take Your Eyes off JESUS and glorify man. It also diverts your attention to Self-Centred (what you will do) instead of Christ Centred (what He wishes to do)
There ARE Believers with a Prophetic or Apostolic Calling. YES there are, of-course there Are but mark these words: the New Apostolic Reformation Movement which has sent “Apostles and Prophets” out into the World (among the churches) is in fact, a False Movement adding to the problem of a Constantine Church Model…..a devilish agenda….it’s One Big Distraction Campaign…….and has been known to cause a lot of damage in many Churches and in the lives of many Believers. Especially Young Believers.
Jesus did not die to see so many damaged Believers – especially His Precious Young People.
If you think certain Preachers mentioned above can do no wrong, I advise you to click on these Links HERE (Watch Those Preachers – Making Good Judgements) and HERE (Apostacy Watch – You Should Be Informed!) to see what you think yourself when you see some Videos with their own words.
This I have found with some background, I know what I’m talking about when I say this. I have found through the Years that Pentecostals and Evangelicals especially have a real belief system in “Their Pastors” …. “Visiting Ministries”….and….their favorite “TV Personality Preachers”…. they are often known to look to Man a lot: their Pastor, Favorite Televangelist or Self-Claimed Apostle or Prophet sent or approved by NAR, and you dare not Offend their Belief in them. Sometimes if you share Real Facts with them with real Discernment the Holy Spirit gives you, they would think the Devil is behind your words, rather than believe you – their beliefs and their affections are So Attached to them – they will respect Them over anything you have to say.
Friends, it’s very important to understand Jesus meant what He said in these Words (one of the Two Commandments He gave us) to Love The Lord with ALL your Heart and Mind and Strength. That LOVE is to Worship Him and your Affections to be Attuned to Him. May I ask you, how you can do that when your Affections are actually Divided? Meaning your Preacher or Preachers of Choice mean as much to you OR even More than The Lord?
Think about that please? Consider what you are doing? So many Christians Idolise their Pastor or TV Televangelist or Worship Leaders and Jesus is not happy for you to do that. In many instances, it is actually Risky.
Some really nice Christians have had a problem believing me when I’ve mentioned a few things for their protection. So I have commenced a Website HERE to help Christians Stay True to Jesus that includes some Videos that in no uncertain terms expose some Preachers that have shown up in their true colors in recent years.
So if you doubt in disbelief, maybe you should find out for yourself. There are some Good Servants of God over YouTube who are dedicated to making these things known. I know it can be disappointing sometimes however it’s best to be on the Safe side – especially if we have Young People in our Family.
There will be a Move of the Spirit across the face of the Earth in these Last Days (as prophesied in Scripture by Joel) and it will be bigger than Man. It will involve many, many Believers and The Lord is preparing us for that, rather than giving Revivals to “Revive Us”……..Real Revivals come and go, they fizz out. The Lord intends for so much better than that, so Walk Close to Jesus – most Christians aren’t doing that.
Pray-Read the Scriptures daily that can Keep you Strong. I have a different Website for that HERE and Keep your Eyes on Jesus. Hey? With the Holy Spirit’s guidance, I have provided Instant Access to lots of Bible and New Testament Translations there for Believers.
I also have two Christian Websites HERE and HERE with lots of Inspirational Poems to Bless and Strengthen Believers some of you may really Enjoy!
The NAR Agenda is a Real Distraction from the Real Thing – a Counterfeit Movement -and we can’t be involved in BOTH.
So Keep your Eyes on Jesus and Stay Close to Him won’t you? Don’t be easily swept off your feet by some of those Preachers out there. Let’s praise The Lord for Servants who remain Faithful to The Lord and are Balanced – not swayed by the likes of NAR Reformation. Truth of the matter is, many have made ship wreck of their Faith following them. Keep reading your New Testament Scriptures Very Closely and spending Time with The Lord in Prayer. Nothing supersedes that.
Blessings to You!