
This Is Why Many People Call Christians Evil: It’s Because of The Lawless Preachers – Identify them. Ditch Them!

So they look “Holy” do they? When they Spin Their Yarns about the “Holy Tithe” and the “Free Will Offerings” telling you that “God is Restoring the Jewish Feasts” and we should Learn from the Jews? NO. They’re Two Different Covenants that God has with Israel and with Christians. And “False Preachers and Teachers” have just found New Ways to Manipulate You and Rip You Off like a Bunch of Train Robbers in the last 10-20 Years. And many of you have been sold on That Stuff! Jesus warned us about HIRELINGS and the Apostle Paul warned us about about False Apostles etc.
But we have not Heeded those Warnings because we have not even
been taught to Watch Out for those kind of Preachers. Right?

Now Benny Hinn has “Bit the Dust” and Kenneth Copeland is probably the Next in Line – Crazy Sin-Laden Heretic that he is.…

Thoughts That Won’t Shift – Things You Can Do

How To Handle Sticky Thoughts

Today, I’d like to share with you some research I did this week in addition to my writings on “Sticky Thoughts” They are a problem for many of us at sometime and maybe often or some. It’s good to know what you can do with them.

Part of my research was on a secular website and although the writer believes in a few iffy things (in a few of her articles) we do not subscribe to as Christians, she has a a few paragraphs I would like to use as a basis for part of what we’re addressing here. I think she has considerable perception in this area, having experienced them for sometime and I would like to praise God for her article! So please note that lines of print in Italics here are from respective authors, not my own and the credit must be given to them.…

When it’s Hard to Understand God

This post is to Christians in these difficult times and situations. I hope it helps you. I’ve been through more than most and have come through insurmountable circumstances into a spacious place in God where I had mostly Peace and Joy for 10 months in 2012.

There are a few bible verses I will address that can cause confusion and cast doubts in the minds of Christians sometimes in relation to God’s Nature toward us…….especially if the enemy is playing on our mind with them……that willbe addressed.

I thought I had “arrived” – as the saying goes – that my life and experience would be like that from then on. But that was a holiday, so to speak, where I could unwind and really enjoy my God. I took a detour – as we often do – and things were not quite the same and I got busy making multiple websites for people to enjoy and enjoyed my own experience less because I had less time to enjoy His Presence – that’s where the PEACE and JOY IS!…

Misleading Televangelists







Yes their Money is their God and they dare to lay guilt trips on you.

Jesus says they can’t serve two Masters…..if the Love of Money

has become their God,

Jesus is no more their Master (the One we set our affections on).

Don’t follow after their example, it will lead you astray.

Money is not evil, it’s when it gets out of hand that offends God!

Take your guidance from Scripture

1 Timothy 6:10 ESV

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.

Only One Jesus – Be Aware of These Things

All Christians are aware of different religions but many are ignorant of certain subtleties out there. We are living in the day of different gospels – different messages and prophets. This IS the day Jesus spoke of where there will be false prophets and anti-christs. The apostle Paul said that Christians can be deceived. You should read this post for yourselves  and  others.

Please make sure you have the facts – this is important!

There are many ways to fall away from The Faith – that is in Christ Jesus.

You should be aware of them. If not for your sake, for someone else.

There are actually Christians falling away to JWs (Jehovahs Witnesses)

a Christian cult called The Message by William Branham……even to

Muslim and Mormon followings.

Yes it’s true and I will tell you why. They are looking for more sincerity

in others’ dedication to God or love for one-another because they see a lack

of it in Christian circles often – maybe even their family – so they’re searching for truth

or sometimes vulnerable and they encounter someone in one of these cults, where

they have a ‘better experience’ with people.…

Biblical Ways to Deal with Stress

Stress is a hot topic these days is’nt it, to almost everyone?

So I seek to address this important issue in part.

I am taking excerpts from a very good Christian website to

base my post that will benefit some of you.


While most major translations of the Bible don’t specifically use the word stress, Scripture does speak to things such as anxiety, worry and trouble and gives us clear answers on how we should deal with them. The dictionary defines stress as “physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension.” Everyone suffers from stress at one time or another. In fact, research indicates that children who live in a stressful home environment are at greater risk to become highly stressed by life’s challenges. Stress can cause us to do things we would not normally do or cause us to shut down completely.

Lets be Overcomers – Prayer Guidelines

This Post is based on Jesus’ guidelines to prayer, known as

The Lord’s Prayer.

For many years I almost dismissed it as religious. Something you do if you’re Catholic  maybe – but these words are actually quite powerful.

Everyone has a weakness of some kind. Even the patriots we acclaim like David and Abraham did things that were astonishing. David was “a man after God’s heart” and Abraham was “the friend of God” but they were still tempted and they displeased God on a few occasions.

The apostles Peter and John displeased The Lord also on occasions

mentioned in scripture. So the disciples did the smart thing and

asked JESUS how to pray!

That’s why John later wrote “he who says he does not sin is a liar and the truth is not in him”. Jesus said in defence of a woman “let him who is without sin cast the first stone” and they all went away.…

Knowing Your Enemy – Knowing Your God

The Lord is your Strength and Fortress. Even if our enemy is referred to as the Prince of the Power of the Air and his cohorts magnify themselves against us with pride and deception – saying “what can your God do now?” He will humble them and bring all their works to nothing. Yes He will shame them and dash their prefabricated works to pieces. As you trust in Him steadfastly, your Faith shall remain intact, unshaken. You will look with satisfaction on your enemies seeing His promise of recompense come true for you.

Yes, when you remain focused on your God, your Rock, He becomes your Salvation in any situation and your Vindication comes forth as the Mid-day Sun, because you trust in Him. Therefore I say to my soul, I will Triumph over my foes and Rejoice in You – Yes Freedom shall Prevail for me and I will see my Victories.

Some Tactics To Watch Out For

When some of us read in Scripture ”not to be ignorant of the enemy’s devices” they’re mostly patterned around the sin-nature that Adam and Eve passed on to us and insecurities that went along with it (those things that bring discomfort, disharmony and distress).

I’m going to bring a list of them to your attention to help you “watch and pray” like Jesus instructed us to do.  Both of these are essentials in the Christian life. Many of us pray but not many watch. So you could be living for Jesus but leaving your lives open. Adam was told to watch over that Garden and he could enjoy it as long as he wanted to. But He did not remember God’s Words properly and calamity broke out on all Mankind. He was supposed to be on Guard against unwelcome guests. Instead of this, he paid attention to Eve and tolerated what was
taking place.