My name is Janet Vargas I am a Christian Author of the following:
Inspirational Poems – Quotes and Sayings – Spiritual Writings and Scriptural Meditations.
I grew up in a little township in surroundings of beach, hills and country and have lived on a Beach Front here in Australia.
When I encountered JESUS at the age of 20, I experienced a new found expression in my life and personality_ I could communicate quite freely, and had so much peace and joy in my heart. People noticed the change… one of vitality and friendliness…….. some of these were neighbors of different religions, and the JWs could not compete with this reality ………. they stopped coming to our door……… something I wished for before that as my mum was so tolerant. I had intentions to be a night club singer, but quickly saw through the negativity in those sheets of music when Jesus came into my heart and life. Just after I threw them out I was given a most beautiful gift of songs…and my voice became fuller and free. Jesus brings Life.
At one time I experienced a remarkable healing from severe allergies I had
and also two family members I asked Jesus to heal………this was after simple spontaneous faith untaught……other answers to prayer….and two young women whose lives were changed from traumatic to joyful and victorious (on different occasions) when their hearts were drawn to the Love of Jesus through me – I had not met them before.
I had some good experiences where I attended Preaching-Praise services for some years but looking back now_ my own expression of vitality, candor….. simplicity and faith was quenched by the demands and expectations of those who preached and visiting preachers…it was no longer my experience but their experience when it came to those things I had previously described…free for the asking and living for ALL who desire. In about 2003 I left the church system as we know it, finding it institutional – for the most part………….the expectations and demands that crept in after a time of renewal that was there in the early 70’s where the Presence of God was the main focus and the people communicated much more freely, socializing after-wards and sharing testimonies.
This may agree with some of you and some not. In 2003 I had desired to return to the simplicity and vitality I had in my early days with Jesus and The Lord responded to that by calling me out of the “Local Churches” Constantine Set Up to something more personal which I shared as informal fellowship with a few friends who are close to Jesus. Following that, I discovered the House Church Movement. Constantine was the Roman Emperor in 330BC who changed the way the Early Christians fellowshiped into a State Institution, which God did not commission (he had counter purposes to Christianity, to weaken it’s fibre) I write more about that here in my Blog.
When a Prophetic Pastor said you should be out ministering anyway – I was resting at that time – and spoke to me rashly for asking him not to rush the ‘breaking of bread’….I left the Church Scene as most know it and spent quality time with The Lord. He led me on from there. It was at that time I also revived my love for Nature, followed by an interest in Craft Cards and Greeting Cards. So I rested for quite sometime and found a good balance of Natural with Spiritual. At a later date, the Spirit of God led me in a different direction with my Calling I had not been before in touching hearts and lives.
I am now the Owner of several Web-Sites, since Jesus gifted me with Website Creation (I now use a few different Site Builders). So turns out, this is the “vehicle” He mentioned to me prophetically some years before that for writings He would be giving me.
This story is radically different from the one I started out with previously when my every effort to find somewhere to learn how to fell through. Because the frustration of that did not quench the desire, I said “Maybe this desire is from You Lord…..if it is….I place it in Your Hands. You will know a Time and a Way to bring it to fruition.” A few weeks later He did just that and things went very smoothly….. everything came to me naturally. That was the first of several I made.
So The Lord can do wonders when He calls you to do something and often it starts with a strong desire or one that grows on you. Whoever said it has to be something you don’t like? I think that’s a religious mind-set anyway that can affect Christians in such a way that hinders the purpose of God in their lives….and sometimes those around them.
Inspirational Web-Sites is very different to what I’ve been called to do previously. Actually, I did part-time Independent Natural Health Research 25 years but my spiritual gifting was prophetic 30+ years (the two were running parallel).
So it’s good not to limit or confine the Holy Spirit to one area or one type of calling. IT’S A NEW DAY and the Holy Spirit is doing NEW AND EXCITING THINGS! The Anointing does not belong to Pastors and Evangelists_ it belongs to the whosoever doing the whatsoever in His Kingdom with His Blessing on it. That includes many more of His children….a lot more. “Leaderships” may be taken and there’s far too many anyway…. but what’s to stop you from Creative Gifts and Lifestyle Evangelism with God’s Acknowledgement? “where the Spirit of The Lord is there is Liberty”…. … the song says…….. “where the Spirit of The Lord is there is Life” and it won’t run you dry. We need “eyes to see and ears to hear” those things that The Lord is really saying – not the pastor and not the next person. What is He saying to you TODAY?
Blessed to be a Blessing!