
This Is Why Many People Call Christians Evil: It’s Because of The Lawless Preachers – Identify them. Ditch Them!

So they look “Holy” do they? When they Spin Their Yarns about the “Holy Tithe” and the “Free Will Offerings” telling you that “God is Restoring the Jewish Feasts” and we should Learn from the Jews? NO. They’re Two Different Covenants that God has with Israel and with Christians. And “False Preachers and Teachers” have just found New Ways to Manipulate You and Rip You Off like a Bunch of Train Robbers in the last 10-20 Years. And many of you have been sold on That Stuff! Jesus warned us about HIRELINGS and the Apostle Paul warned us about about False Apostles etc.
But we have not Heeded those Warnings because we have not even
been taught to Watch Out for those kind of Preachers. Right?

Now Benny Hinn has “Bit the Dust” and Kenneth Copeland is probably the Next in Line – Crazy Sin-Laden Heretic that he is.…

Walking With Jesus: Don’t Be Like These

Please Take Note!

Don’t Walk the Way of Bigots; Don’t Walk the Way of Liars; Don’t Walk the Way of Selfish People – There are None of Those in Heaven. Beware of the Impatient Breed and the Greed Breed – Don’t behave like Them because They don’t Make It either. It goes without Saying that the Mean and the Nasty will Never Get there – so be Mindful of Your Words if You Say You are a Christian. There are too Many of Those in Churches – They Make God’s House Desolate (many have left the Faith because of them)

And let not the Same Mouth that Praises The Lord Speak any Bad or False or Deceitful Language – You can be Sure that None of These will Go Unpunished. We will assuredly Give an Account for ALL those Words. Swear Words and Profane Words are Out.…

Building And Keeping Marriages: Nurture Them – Don’t Quickly Separate

Yes, Don’t Just Separate Like The World!

Let’s return Faithfulness to Marriage and the Goodness of Family.

If you find yourself attracted to someone, immediately Nip things in the bud before things get out of hand. And try not to place yourself in temptation’s way.

Hi Friends, I came across an Article recently that was so ill-worded, it stirred me to write this Article. Her words were so misleading, so I’m choosing to write on a Topic I’d rather not usually.

She said to everyone who reads her Website that a person who is In Control can divorce quicker than a person who is Out of Control. Kind of like recommending it. And she chose a Professional Life of Lavish Wealth – trading her Marriage in for The Dollar, it seems.

Friends, to me that denotes a Life that is Out of Control, not In Control.…

Answered Prayers – The Real Issue

We kind of say to ourselves “now let me see, what time do I have to spare?” and make half an effort – to spare, and we want from Him answered prayer? without spending adequate time in His Presence like we do with a loved one.

We would see more often His True Nature instead of so many doubts. We could see those things He purposes for us that are often better than our requests. However, they can actually go by months or years without being discovered because we fail to spend precious time with Him like we do with a loved one, and all manner of things that aren’t important really, half the time.

We’re not really engaged with Him, but we can spare a few minutes to ask for this and that, when He wishes to relate closely with us.…

A Step Of Faith Can Change Your Situation

Yes, if you take a step in the right direction, Jesus can change your situation and replace it with a Testimony. You must be decided, when you look to The Lord for Answered Prayers – no looking back. Don’t settle for the status quo in life – when He called you to an Abundant Life. Forget the televangelists money-schemes and their emphasis on being rich. They have the emphasis all wrong. There’s nothing wrong with money, if you’re not bound by the love of it, but Jesus calls us as His Children, to be Rich in Blessings…..and… carry His Blessings to those around us. That is Abundant Life (a fuller life). If you need healing or restoration, for instance, money and riches would not be abundant life for you, but healing and restoration would be, would’nt it?