So they look “Holy” do they? When they Spin Their Yarns about the “Holy Tithe” and the “Free Will Offerings” telling you that “God is Restoring the Jewish Feasts” and we should Learn from the Jews? NO. They’re Two Different Covenants that God has with Israel and with Christians. And “False Preachers and Teachers” have just found New Ways to Manipulate You and Rip You Off like a Bunch of Train Robbers in the last 10-20 Years. And many of you have been sold on That Stuff! Jesus warned us about HIRELINGS and the Apostle Paul warned us about about False Apostles etc.
But we have not Heeded those Warnings because we have not even
been taught to Watch Out for those kind of Preachers. Right?
Now Benny Hinn has “Bit the Dust” and Kenneth Copeland is probably the Next in Line – Crazy Sin-Laden Heretic that he is.…