
Building And Keeping Marriages: Nurture Them – Don’t Quickly Separate

Yes, Don’t Just Separate Like The World!

Let’s return Faithfulness to Marriage and the Goodness of Family.

If you find yourself attracted to someone, immediately Nip things in the bud before things get out of hand. And try not to place yourself in temptation’s way.

Hi Friends, I came across an Article recently that was so ill-worded, it stirred me to write this Article. Her words were so misleading, so I’m choosing to write on a Topic I’d rather not usually.

She said to everyone who reads her Website that a person who is In Control can divorce quicker than a person who is Out of Control. Kind of like recommending it. And she chose a Professional Life of Lavish Wealth – trading her Marriage in for The Dollar, it seems.

Friends, to me that denotes a Life that is Out of Control, not In Control.…

Thoughts That Won’t Shift – Things You Can Do

How To Handle Sticky Thoughts

Today, I’d like to share with you some research I did this week in addition to my writings on “Sticky Thoughts” They are a problem for many of us at sometime and maybe often or some. It’s good to know what you can do with them.

Part of my research was on a secular website and although the writer believes in a few iffy things (in a few of her articles) we do not subscribe to as Christians, she has a a few paragraphs I would like to use as a basis for part of what we’re addressing here. I think she has considerable perception in this area, having experienced them for sometime and I would like to praise God for her article! So please note that lines of print in Italics here are from respective authors, not my own and the credit must be given to them.…

Some Misinterpretations In Bible Translations By Translators – See The Difference!

The WORD of God is pretty remarkable really. It has lasted in tact right through the Generations to This Day, and we hold in our hands “His Words that were Written not by the impulse of Man – they were Moved by His Spirit” to pen those Words. However, the Translators were Human and they made a few Errors that cast a Shadow on God’s Nature. And in This Day, we Need to be Sure of The Lord’s Goodness and Merciful Nature to Sustain us through such difficult times.

May I present these to you? I’m sure you will feel a lot better – more confident – once having read them.

Is He a God of LIGHT or Darkness?

2 Corinthians 1:8-11The Message (MSG)

“We don’t want you in the dark, friends, about how hard it was when all this came down on us.…

When it’s Hard to Understand God

This post is to Christians in these difficult times and situations. I hope it helps you. I’ve been through more than most and have come through insurmountable circumstances into a spacious place in God where I had mostly Peace and Joy for 10 months in 2012.

There are a few bible verses I will address that can cause confusion and cast doubts in the minds of Christians sometimes in relation to God’s Nature toward us…….especially if the enemy is playing on our mind with them……that willbe addressed.

I thought I had “arrived” – as the saying goes – that my life and experience would be like that from then on. But that was a holiday, so to speak, where I could unwind and really enjoy my God. I took a detour – as we often do – and things were not quite the same and I got busy making multiple websites for people to enjoy and enjoyed my own experience less because I had less time to enjoy His Presence – that’s where the PEACE and JOY IS!…

Preachers And Scripture: Being Truly Wise What Spiritual Diet We Choose

Most Christians – Genuine Christians – are “Teachable” and the NAR Movement (New Apostolic Reformation) Plays on that. It is their best weapon. Mixing Truth with Error so the Christians buy it.

Aka they take Catch Words from Scripture like “Kingdom”…..”Grace”….. that APPEAL to CHRISTIANS and give them a different Emphasis with a different Meaning. Introducing Extra-Biblical “Truths” – that’s the way they do it.

And mind you, the NAR Moment has All-Manner of Preachers Out There across the Christian Landscape. Meaning there is sure to be 2 OR 3 Preachers which “Appeal” to Everyone.

Everyone who falls for them, that is MANY have, depending how mature you are in their Walk with Jesus (godly character) and how Well they Know Scripture (not just read or hear it) they can have their foot in the door in a short amount of time.…

His Faithfulness and Mercies in Every Situation

The Lord is placing on my heart to write about His Faithfulness and

Loving Mercies  and give you some Scriptures in different translations.

There was a very stressful time I went through years ago that I

described as ‘relentless’ and for some time after that, I could not handle

the word ‘faithfulness’……..I could think of the Love of God etc but the

other baffled me – it was ouchy  to  think or hear it. For years previous,

there was a favorite song Great is Your Faithfulness I can sing again!


Some years later now after The Lord wonderfully came through for me, I am

comfortable with this expression again “the Faithfulness of God”…….it is

taking on new meaning for me through a rich treasury of scriptures on a

website called Bible Hub.

My present circumstances are not exactly ideal, for there is good and not so

good in my life at the moment.…

Salvation and Christian Growth

Revising When We Find Jesus

This is for everyone to read because there are vital things left out when we found The Lord that help to make a Foundation to our lives in Christ Jesus.

Most of us found Him through the church system and many through a Christian TV program with a one minute Salvation Prayer at the end of it – yes it’s often rushed and on comes the next program, when you have just closed your eyes to pray (usually for the first time) the interruption is so sudden.

Many of us have been introduced to a Church Jesus, with things pertaining to their church, they add to your experience; many have been introduced to a Social Gospel where the scriptural need for Repentance – a change of heart where you decide to go Jesus’ way instead of your own way is left out; the cleansing Blood of Jesus with the Joy of sins forgiven (those things we have done that offend God).

Living with Courage and Hope

We live in stressful times, around us and within sometimes.

Life is not restful like it used to be 30-40 years ago.

Situations and circumstances are challenging for many.

I would like to give you some encouragements from scriptures

I was inspired with today on BibleHub……one of the

best websites for building yourself up on God’s Word.

And we need to do this friends, each day. For those who

“don’t have the time” especially. We need to make time for reading

His words of Life for sustenance and strength.

From them often, can come healing-virtue, mentally, emotionally

and spiritually.

This can even benefit us physically. Neuroscientists report that

our thoughts do have a bearing on our health. Yes, the bible says that

“as a man thinks, so is he”.  We can think up a real storm sometimes

just by thinking too much.…

Biblical Ways to Deal with Stress

Stress is a hot topic these days is’nt it, to almost everyone?

So I seek to address this important issue in part.

I am taking excerpts from a very good Christian website to

base my post that will benefit some of you.


While most major translations of the Bible don’t specifically use the word stress, Scripture does speak to things such as anxiety, worry and trouble and gives us clear answers on how we should deal with them. The dictionary defines stress as “physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension.” Everyone suffers from stress at one time or another. In fact, research indicates that children who live in a stressful home environment are at greater risk to become highly stressed by life’s challenges. Stress can cause us to do things we would not normally do or cause us to shut down completely.

Lets be Overcomers – Prayer Guidelines

This Post is based on Jesus’ guidelines to prayer, known as

The Lord’s Prayer.

For many years I almost dismissed it as religious. Something you do if you’re Catholic  maybe – but these words are actually quite powerful.

Everyone has a weakness of some kind. Even the patriots we acclaim like David and Abraham did things that were astonishing. David was “a man after God’s heart” and Abraham was “the friend of God” but they were still tempted and they displeased God on a few occasions.

The apostles Peter and John displeased The Lord also on occasions

mentioned in scripture. So the disciples did the smart thing and

asked JESUS how to pray!

That’s why John later wrote “he who says he does not sin is a liar and the truth is not in him”. Jesus said in defence of a woman “let him who is without sin cast the first stone” and they all went away.…

Christian Life – What it Is and Is Not

Life with Jesus is not always the rosy life we are sometimes told about when we find Him. Most churches present what I call a Santa Christ ie Come to Jesus and your life will be great OR wonderful……and a few months into the Christian life – after the Love, Joy and Peace you experience when you first know Him – you do not find what they told you to expect is so.
That is because they failed to be true to Jesus’ Words. He does “call us out
of darkness (this world) into His Light”……….”we are new creations (in Him through new birth) old things are passed away, all things have become new”
Then for most of us, there are circumstances to work out, like when
newly weds go into a house after the honeymoon: a garden needs renovating, the rooms need new furniture and furnishings (this is your life and surroundings you have invited Jesus into) He wants to do this work with you, to make your life more comfortable than it was before you found Him (often).

Believers in a Stressful Age

This post was partly inspired by an article I read today


It was only a short article but inspired me immensely.

Then I took a different direction that compliments.

Please take time to read this.

Stress is prevalent in our world today, but there is a way to handle stress without turning to addictions and other things. Internal peace can be found through Jesus even in the midst of stressful circumstances. (1)

In this world, common ways to cope with stress in recent year have been through addictions such as over-drinking, over-partying, over-eating, over-shopping, over-spending, over-accumulating, over-working, etc. ever on the increase, effecting many hearts and lives. (2)

I feel such compassion for children in families who are caught up in these kinds of environments because in one way or another, they are affected. I feel for elderly people too, because they see such a different world and the situations many of their families are in that are radically different to the stress they are familiar with.

Biblical Ways to Deal with Stress

Stress is a hot topic these days is’nt it, to almost everyone?

So I seek to address this important issue in part.

I am taking excerpts from a very good Christian website to

base my post that will benefit some of you.

While most major translations of the Bible don’t specifically use the word stress, Scripture does speak to things such as anxiety, worry and trouble and gives us clear answers on how we should deal with them. The dictionary defines stress as “physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension.” Everyone suffers from stress at one time or another. In fact, research indicates that children who live in a stressful home environment are at greater risk to become highly stressed by life’s challenges. Stress can cause us to do things we would not normally do or cause us to shut down completely.

Winning in Life’s Situations

We need to develop our own testimony of this.
One we can draw on in life’s situations –
for ourselves and others instead of resignation.
Do you let your heart sink down when circumstances show up?
Sometimes they are intended for evil (to cause you to fret and get you down)
but we need to take on a resilience in God, not to let them make us frown.
Take courage my friend, there are ANSWERS.
You may have also heard the following scripture:
Another version says to prosper you and NOT to harm you.
We need to be settled in our hearts and minds that
(not half the things that would rush through our minds at times).