Taken from a Special Feature Page on my natural health website concerning ALL the Benefits of Laughter –
I call this phenomena revealed by Heart Specialists, Neuroscientists, Psychologists and Various Physicians (collectively) the CHEMISTRY OF LAUGHTER. I’ve gleaned the following Information from various sources of research.
LAUGHTER IS GOOD for your MORALE and also your IMMUNE SYSTEM………It Releases Endorphins in your body that are “Feel Good Chemicals” It can be a sure weapon against stress and if practiced regularly – as part of your Lifestyle – it can help to prevent and sometimes relieve Stress Related Illnesses.
Laughter Clears your Emotions and helps to Sharpen your Mental Faculties. Laughter is fun and it’s good for you. It makes others feel good. It provides physical, emotional, and psychological benefits.
Scientific Research reveals that LAUGHTER strengthens our cardiovascular functions; reduces stress hormones; improves circulation_ benefiting those with high blood pressure; has a boosting effect on the function of immune cells; releases endorphins_ a feel good chemical that sometimes helps to lower pain levels; it oxygenates our body via the respiratory system_ this is very good for us; it also enhances our bio-chemistry!…