
Countering Costi Hinn’s and Justin Peter’s Argument On Praying In Other Languages

The Prayer Gift of the Holy Spirit
At the Age of 12. What I said in my thoughts that preceded his Prayer Gift was “I wonder what it would be like like if God became one of us and He knows what we Think and Feel like?” and The Presence of The Lord that accompanied it. I was sitting outside and His Presence came very close and enveloped me (so to speak) it felt so tangible.

The revelation of “Jesus being God” on waking the following day. I experienced all this with absolutely NO Religious Background whatsoever and had not even heard of a Bible before or known any Christians.
My Mum sneaked me to a one-off visit to a Sunday School on one occasion – a Church of England lady took me there – as a little Kid at the age of 7 or 8 – I never saw her before or after that and I didn’t understand anything about what was said in the class.…

Do Not Trust In Fools – Deceitful Preachers

Yes, Do Not Trust In Them!

They are Profligates – Marketing their wares like Auctioneers and MLM Marketers.
And they are Extremely Dodgy like Shonky Second-Hand Car Dealers and Mechanics.
They promise to Fix Your Pocket but in reality they Mess with Your Pocket.
They Prey on the Unwise – they like it when people are gullible (easily led)
sadly, that’s the Truth Friends, please Read On for Your Protection.
This is Sure to make you Wiser!!!

They are Forfeiting their Eternity and if you follow their Sinful Ways (their appetite for Money and Worldly prosperity) you will Forfeit Your Eternity. The Enemy has Seduced them – don’t let them Seduce you anymore. Rest Assured, their End is Swift Destruction. They have even told you things like Their Ground is Better Ground to Sow (Your Money) in than Giving to the Poor and Needy – they tell you that you will
Reap a 100 Fold instead of 30 or 60 – that’s an Absolute Outrage!…

Being True Believers In Practice – Many Have Mixed Standards

I am speaking about Christians who do “Prayers and Bible Reading” or a Church Role included. I have Witnessed and Encountered bad behavior or poor behaviour numerous times through the years from some of these people.

Let’s do the maths and take inventory. Let’s do this prayerfully. Are you ready?

What do 1 Corinthians 13 Hosea 6:6 and Philippians 4 have in common? Let us see today!

So often I have found through the years that a Christian will act one way with The Lord and a different way with others or someone they don’t like much or disagree with. Have you encountered such behavior? I have been a recipient of such and have known Christians who have also.

I suggest these offending ‘Christians’ need to take their rose tainted glasses off when they read their bibles because the Scriptures have much to say about behavior.…

Some Misinterpretations In Bible Translations By Translators – See The Difference!

The WORD of God is pretty remarkable really. It has lasted in tact right through the Generations to This Day, and we hold in our hands “His Words that were Written not by the impulse of Man – they were Moved by His Spirit” to pen those Words. However, the Translators were Human and they made a few Errors that cast a Shadow on God’s Nature. And in This Day, we Need to be Sure of The Lord’s Goodness and Merciful Nature to Sustain us through such difficult times.

May I present these to you? I’m sure you will feel a lot better – more confident – once having read them.

Is He a God of LIGHT or Darkness?

2 Corinthians 1:8-11The Message (MSG)

“We don’t want you in the dark, friends, about how hard it was when all this came down on us.…

God’s Words Or Their Words? Need For Discernment!

Televangelist’s Sins Are Heaping Up High To The Heaven’s, Their Greed Is Worse Than Ever. Their Crafty Ways To Twist And Distort God’s Words To Their Own End Goes On Unchecked In Believer’s Hearts And Minds.


Not The Preacher, Hear His Counsel – A Call To Prudence!

This is a word that is seldom heard these days. It has to do with good judgement, practicing caution – especially with matters concerning money – and applying God’s Wisdom to what we hear……not just taking things at face value.

Friend, you are doing that each time you accept everything you hear because“THE PREACHER SAID IT”

Please have more respect for the pages of your Bible than that.

You have a Bible too, please use it.

The Lord keeps showing me that Christians are getting hurt because they are not acquainted with the Scriptures.…


Look at Proverbs 3:13-15 , then Verse 17,18

BECOMING HIS BODY of BELIEVERS AGAIN – FUNCTIONING AS A FAMILY! Make your own decisions how you can best do this.

Most Church Services Are Making Christians Spiritually Weak Because There’s No Interaction And The Presence Of God Becomes Something Of Second Importance. In Fact, Most Modern Day Services Are Devoid Of His Presence Because Their Practices Grieve The Holy Spirit. Neither Will Ever Change Lives – They Quench The Moving Of The Spirit Of God. That’s Right, That’s What Most Services Do. Sorry But It’s True. They Will Not Help You Grow Spiritually Like Personal Time Spent In His Presence And Prayer-Reading Scriptures. Also, It’s In Applying Them In Our Daily Lives That We Grow.

Top This Up With “Gatherings of Two or Three” and Family Worship At Home, You Have A Real Pattern For Growth.…

Spirit of Wisdom Hope and Blessings

It’s Important to have Wisdom, a sense of Hope and to experience Blessings.

Psams 90:12

Holman Christian Standard Bible

Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts.

International Standard Version

Teach us to keep account of our days so we may develop inner wisdom.

New Heart English Bible

So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

The NET Bible says “so that we might live wisely”

When we apply our hearts to Wisdom, we have Hope and Blessings come. Because we are not living carelessly, we are more appreciative of the blessings The Lord wishes to bestow.

No wonder Proverbs 3 says:
15 Wisdom is more precious than jewels,
and all your desires cannot equal it.
16  Long life is in wisdom’s right hand.
In wisdom’s left hand are riches and honor.…

His Faithfulness and Mercies in Every Situation

The Lord is placing on my heart to write about His Faithfulness and

Loving Mercies  and give you some Scriptures in different translations.

There was a very stressful time I went through years ago that I

described as ‘relentless’ and for some time after that, I could not handle

the word ‘faithfulness’……..I could think of the Love of God etc but the

other baffled me – it was ouchy  to  think or hear it. For years previous,

there was a favorite song Great is Your Faithfulness I can sing again!


Some years later now after The Lord wonderfully came through for me, I am

comfortable with this expression again “the Faithfulness of God”…….it is

taking on new meaning for me through a rich treasury of scriptures on a

website called Bible Hub.

My present circumstances are not exactly ideal, for there is good and not so

good in my life at the moment.…

Living with Courage and Hope

We live in stressful times, around us and within sometimes.

Life is not restful like it used to be 30-40 years ago.

Situations and circumstances are challenging for many.

I would like to give you some encouragements from scriptures

I was inspired with today on BibleHub……one of the

best websites for building yourself up on God’s Word.

And we need to do this friends, each day. For those who

“don’t have the time” especially. We need to make time for reading

His words of Life for sustenance and strength.

From them often, can come healing-virtue, mentally, emotionally

and spiritually.

This can even benefit us physically. Neuroscientists report that

our thoughts do have a bearing on our health. Yes, the bible says that

“as a man thinks, so is he”.  We can think up a real storm sometimes

just by thinking too much.…

Biblical Ways to Deal with Stress

Stress is a hot topic these days is’nt it, to almost everyone?

So I seek to address this important issue in part.

I am taking excerpts from a very good Christian website to

base my post that will benefit some of you.


While most major translations of the Bible don’t specifically use the word stress, Scripture does speak to things such as anxiety, worry and trouble and gives us clear answers on how we should deal with them. The dictionary defines stress as “physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension.” Everyone suffers from stress at one time or another. In fact, research indicates that children who live in a stressful home environment are at greater risk to become highly stressed by life’s challenges. Stress can cause us to do things we would not normally do or cause us to shut down completely.

God of Hope – Inner Nature

Hope of His Glory

Strengthening the Innerman

Some of us are a little faint hearted when we see how we fall short

of His Glory because He is a Holy God.

Also the stresses and afflictions of this present age can weigh us down too.

The following are several scriptures I have placed together from

different translations to bring out the richness because no English

translation can bring out the fullness of the original Greek.

You may call this a simple study and soak!

Seek The Lord’s presence as you read, for revelation.

And if you are not up to that for some reason – let these scriptures bring you

Into a soft touch of His Presence. He Loves You today.

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but …

Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the goodpleasing, and perfect will of God.…

Good Things – Philippians 4

Think about the Good Things

Good desires in our hearts

Our mouths shall enjoy Good fruits

Philippians 4

Allow me to share these thoughts with you!

English Standard Version
8 Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.


4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be obvious to everyone. The Lord is near.

6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

In Philippians 4:6-8 Paul gives us a few instructions for a Victorious Life and Overcoming in Daily Life.

Lets be Overcomers – Prayer Guidelines

This Post is based on Jesus’ guidelines to prayer, known as

The Lord’s Prayer.

For many years I almost dismissed it as religious. Something you do if you’re Catholic  maybe – but these words are actually quite powerful.

Everyone has a weakness of some kind. Even the patriots we acclaim like David and Abraham did things that were astonishing. David was “a man after God’s heart” and Abraham was “the friend of God” but they were still tempted and they displeased God on a few occasions.

The apostles Peter and John displeased The Lord also on occasions

mentioned in scripture. So the disciples did the smart thing and

asked JESUS how to pray!

That’s why John later wrote “he who says he does not sin is a liar and the truth is not in him”. Jesus said in defence of a woman “let him who is without sin cast the first stone” and they all went away.…

Biblical Ways to Deal with Stress

Stress is a hot topic these days is’nt it, to almost everyone?

So I seek to address this important issue in part.

I am taking excerpts from a very good Christian website to

base my post that will benefit some of you.

While most major translations of the Bible don’t specifically use the word stress, Scripture does speak to things such as anxiety, worry and trouble and gives us clear answers on how we should deal with them. The dictionary defines stress as “physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension.” Everyone suffers from stress at one time or another. In fact, research indicates that children who live in a stressful home environment are at greater risk to become highly stressed by life’s challenges. Stress can cause us to do things we would not normally do or cause us to shut down completely.