Countering Costi Hinn’s and Justin Peter’s Argument On Praying In Other Languages

The Prayer Gift of the Holy Spirit
At the Age of 12. What I said in my thoughts that preceded his Prayer Gift was “I wonder what it would be like like if God became one of us and He knows what we Think and Feel like?” and The Presence of The Lord that accompanied it. I was sitting outside and His Presence came very close and enveloped me (so to speak) it felt so tangible.

The revelation of “Jesus being God” on waking the following day. I experienced all this with absolutely NO Religious Background whatsoever and had not even heard of a Bible before or known any Christians.
My Mum sneaked me to a one-off visit to a Sunday School on one occasion – a Church of England lady took me there – as a little Kid at the age of 7 or 8 – I never saw her before or after that and I didn’t understand anything about what was said in the class. And Dad forbade my Mum to say any Religious stuff to me.

How-come many Christians say they have more power in their Walk with Jesus against sin
if the Prayer Gift of the Holy Spirit is not for Today.

How-come I had an experience of praying in several different Languages spontaneously at the Age of 12 and at the Age of 20 when I returned to The Lord some years after being derailed into Catholic Religion by an Aunty who made a rare visit from Miles Away and all that stuff disillusioned me because it actually blocked off the Presence of God?

And how-come I had the unexpected experience of Praying or Singing in Fluent Arabic on two occasions about 16 years ago and my Neighbors in Awe with Excitement interpreted for me? Part of it was a very important Bible Verse about Eternal Life.

How-come when I was in a Psychiatric Ward against my will many years ago following a reaction to a temporary anti-anxiety Med I had an experience of singing Praise spontaneously in Hebrew with the quavering notes they sing in that’s pretty much impossible for Westerners to sing in? The Holy Spirit did that the once – never before or since.

The following day, the Hospital released me about 2.5 Weeks Early when they keep you in 3 Weeks standard when they suspect Schizophrenia and have you on a Med for that? So much for Anti-Anxiety Meds when they backfire (go wrong!)

And how-come, if the “limited words of gibberish” Costi Hinn refers to are just that – they are Nonsense…….when I’ve been praying in those have my Neighbor’s two little Kids heard the words “Bible” and “Jesus” in their Arabic Language on a few occasions from their side of the fence when I was praying in my front room?

And this led to them wanting me to Pray in their home for their Mum to hear those two words and the Holy Spirit prayed in Fluent Arabic instead? A few members of their Family bought Bibles to read after that.

Please note also that some time before that, I asked them if they would like to teach me some Arabic and they said they didn’t think I would be able to do that. I asked them why not? They gave me the letter “R” to pronounce (you have to roll your tongue to pronounce it in their language) I tried it and they said
“Sorry Janet, see what we mean? You will not be able to learn Arabic”

Kinda makes you wonder what I was doing Praying and Singing in Fluent Arabic on Two occasions sometime later doesn’t it? If the Other Languages we pray in are “Not of God, they’re just plain Gibberish?”
And keep in mind I pray in those “Limited Words” most times too.

Besides that, have you ever listened to someone speaking in Chinese or certain language from the Islands?

I have. And I’ve noticed those Languages sound like “Gibberish” to us (well and truly) absolutely Nonsensical to Our Understanding. But those people use Those Words every day to Communicate with, buy a car, a house whatever, and some Westerners say in our ignorance “they don’t sound like
real words” and are amazed they can Communicate with them? I have thought these things myself, Kind of astonished. They’re Vastly Different to English. Unintelligible to us.

I had an experience of hearing two words that sounded possibly Jewish several times in 2 or 3 Prayer times one day and the following day. So I asked The Lord to help me find the meaning of them. They were actually well articulated and sounded beautiful.

I found a Webpage that said one of them meant Christ in the Hebrew language and the other meant Boy.
I was praying intentionally for my Son in one of those Prayer times.

I had Kurdish Neighbor-Friends at one time whose little boy kept saying “Daddy” in Kurdish that sounds like “Bah” so I know why I keep getting “Bah Bah Bah Bah Bah Bah” (sounds much nicer than the audio) occasionally when I pray in the Spirit now.

There is actually a Scripture Verse that speaks of the Holy Spirit bearing witness in us that we are Children of God – Calling Him Father.

There is another short sounding word that the Holy Spirit says several times in a row for about half a minute on rare occasions and I cannot articulate anything else when that is taking place. It’s impossible. It sounds like “He He He He He He” I’m not sure what language it’s in. That has occurred three other times when Urgent prayer was needed – no other times.

And Costi Hinn – well intentioned – is trying to tell us We Make Up “this meaningless Gibberish”……Hmmm!

Do you know something? The first time this happened with that word, I was praying for a lady’s Son who was suspected for committing Arsan with his Business Premises. He had just Fled to a different State for Protection from the Police. He was Young and scared and he actually fled to a big City. His Mum and Sisters urged me to Pray for him (urgently) and I said “I Will, I Will”

I wondered what he was going to do in such a big place when he arrives there? PRAISE JESUS, after that Prayer, he found Immediate Accommodation and Good Work.

Yes, some years after I prayed those Prayers in Fluent Arabic, the Eldest Son next door was arrested for restraining a guy’s hands behind his back at length – and phoning the Police to come and get him – the guy complained that physical harm to his body was caused by that and the Police told my Neighbor’s Son he took Action “the wrong side of the fence” it should have been on their side of the fence. So he was imprisoned for months over a technicality. He actually spotted that Guy climbing over the fence with a Weapon when arriving home from work at night and was swift in Protecting his Mum and 2 Sisters in their house. Would you wait? Honestly, we have some dodgy Laws in Australia that can actually protect someone in the wrong.

His Family were devastated for him and pleaded with me 
“Please Pray for him Janet, Please Pray!?”

Well much to our Surprise and delight, he was given his Favorite Thing to do in the Prison. That is Cooking. His Mum is one of the best Family Cooks I have known and was accustomed to Catering for Arabic Gatherings of amount 30 people each month. She did part of the Catering for those occasions. She can’t Read or Write in her own language and she is very gifted that way. She also keeps her House immaculately Clean and Tidy and entertains Guests regularly. The Prisoners all Enjoyed the Meals her Son made during his time there and some time later, he was sent to the Release Center Early, where they transition Prisoners to go home, due to respectful and good behavior.

One time, I was driving somewhere and there was a woman about 40 walking along a footpath really distressed. I stopped my car immediately to help her and asked if someone did something to her? She said a neighbor sold her a $2,000 car and wouldn’t give it to her. I offered to go to them with her.

A Muslim lady from Bangladesh answered the door and I said “You know this is wrong, don’t you?” She said I would need to speak with her husband about it and the woman I was helping walked over to the lawn and sat down crying uncontrollably and looked Very Disturbed. I gently said I was going to Pray for her and did so in the Prayer Language. Immediately, she returned to her right mind. I went to her house with her and she invited me in.

A few days later, I went to see how the two women were because the lady from Bangladesh looked a bit afraid of her husband. The Australian lady had said to me, no-one likes that lady’s husband – not even their daughter, she stays away from them.

When I went to the lady – who asked me to come back – she was a bit excited with expectancy and said “My daughter won’t let me see my little grandkids. Will you please Pray for me to see them again?”
She added “The way you Prayed for that Girl. She has been mentally disturbed for a long time”

Hearing that, I asked “Are you Sure? You are Muslim and I Pray to Jesus when I do that” (which is strictly forbidden) and she said “Yes I’m Sure thank you. Will you Pray for me now? The way you prayed for her!” and I Prayed.

I went to both women again a week later. The young woman age 40 said she used to be a Christian when she was young and offered me to “Come In” and she conversed Calmly with me. And the Muslim lady answered her door with great joy, saying her daughter came and Visited with her little grandkids two days after I left there. Her daughter lives in the same Street imagine? and would not see her for 3 years. Occasionally, she would see them drive by. Her daughter said they will come again and she was about to enjoy a second visit.

Please note: I don’t mean to say that this type of Prayer works like magic, whatever. But the things you read about on this Page are what God chose to do at those different times.

A question for Costi here: If the Prayer Gift of other Languages was just for Evangelism Reasons “They heard them speaking in their own Language” so that’s The Use for this Gift. How-come the Apostle Paul encouraged us to Pray Much this way and said.

“He/She who prays in an Unknown Language Edifies himself/herself.”
Tell me?

Maybe, just maybe Costi is trying to base his Argument on one Isolated Scripture Verse aye? That’s pretty much like trying to make a few Scriptures fit a theory. He said his wife talked him out of it. He left his “Family’s Empire” when he Married her though, so she is good for him.

It’s pretty much a Form of Meddling with the Word of God when we make a Theory of a Verse when there is one or two Scriptures that Say different. It can be a matter of Convenience someone is using to prove a point and must be seen in the Light of Other Scripture. We really need to watch for that.

And Justin Peters who was also put off at a young age by False Preachers and Fake Healers – who left him with Crippling Cerebral Palsy – like Costi Hinn was with his Family who were steeped in Deceptive stuff, has debunked this wonderful Prayer Gift too. I’ve observed how both of them major on 2 or 3 things and leave out certain Verses. To me, that’s like trying to make Scriptures Fit an Argument (strong view based on sentiments) it’s virtually the same. I just would not do that.

A Finnish Sister who used to pray in Fluent French at length – accent and all – in a personal Prayer Group of Christian Friends. I visited in the 70s – I heard this for myself. One of the Sisters said she Prays in that language every time they Pray in the Spirit and she didn’t know a Word of what she was Clearly articulating. Like I said, FLUENT. A French person could without a doubt Interpret if they were present. I have no doubts about that.

So what does this have to say for the Prayer Gift of Other Languages is Not for Today – the Disciples Prayed in Other People’s Languages and the People said to each-other “are they all not Galilean? And we hear them speaking in Our Language”

Seems like a pretty Limited Argument here. Like how do you Explain Away all that Finnish Sister’s Prayer Times and my Experiences with Jewish and Arabic? Fluent also!

I know he means well because he found out about some dodgy stuff that took place years ago. And Justin Peters has come across some counterfeit stuff in recent years. Should we then ascribe that to Us All and debunk the Genuine Gift because most of us Pray with Limited Words in the Spirit? Just throw out the Lot – all our experiences with Speaking Other Languages?

My advice to you therefore comes with the adage “Don’t throw the Baby out with the Bath Water” Folks.
The Baby is Precious even if you have a Limited range of Words. Like I said, I pray in those most times, and consider the different Experiences I’ve had.

Therefore, can we make Someone’s Ministry the Authority on something so Important like this OR Everything they Teach just because they give Some or Mostly ” Good Teaching?” Indeed Not – We’re ALL Fallible Human Beings “We have His Treasure in Earthen Vessels” so some Servants of God make Mistakes. The thing is, not to Make or Build a Teaching on them hey? It would be wrong to do that. And that is exactly what our Brothers in Christ have done and have been propagating. Pray for them or dismiss what they have been saying. Forget that and stay faithful in what you have even if it is little. Jesus will be happy with you – it makes sense to Him. My word it does, just like when you have a Child with a limited vocabulary.

I have an Encouragement for those who haven’t received This Gift yet. When I returned to Jesus at the Age of 20, I waited 10 Months to Pray in the Spirit (again) and for some reason wasn’t breaking through.
Then one evening when Christians were going to a room upstairs to Seek for this gift, I said to myself “I’m going up and receiving and I’m not coming down without!” I stayed in the room for quite sometime and
The Lord honored that decision – I started praying in Different Languages and didn’t wish to stop because I had waited all that time.

In Luke 11:9-13 Jesus says these words: 9. Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. 13. So if you having a sin nature know how to give Good Gifts to Your Children, how much more will Your Father in Heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who Ask Him!”

Remember, some of us need to do the Asking, Seeking and Knocking to break through.
And the Original Translation says to Keep doing this.

Please don’t be feeling poorly if you have not had experiences like these. I believe I’ve had some of them to defend this Precious Gift and a few Undeniable Miracles through the years (unrelated to Other Languages) to prove the Existence of Jesus and He is who He claimed to be. That Website is and will take some time to work at. And I let People know those things weren’t overnight, and followed Very Hard Times, so I’ve not been exempt from waiting long times for Answered Prayers sometimes.
It has not been an easy Calling.

I think maybe that’s what “Persistent Prayers” mentioned in Scripture are for hey?
I could have Prayed more of those. How about you?

And many Brothers and Sisters like to Pray in the Spirit when they don’t know what to Pray,
so I have given this my Defence. May The Lord be Good to you!

Please remember: the Holy Spirit is a Person – whether you have the Prayer Gift of Other Languages or not – you can get to know Him and become acquainted with Him just like we can with Jesus. He IS our Counsellor, Helper and Comforter. He is a Wonderful Companion too. He Guides and Strengthens Us –
I do not limit Him just to a Prayer Language. Help NO, He is much More than that. And He is our Stand-By and the One who Prepares Us to See Jesus when He Comes. And that depends on how personally we relate with Him. Remember, He was Very Important to Jesus. And we would do well to follow in His Steps concerning our Blessed Holy Spirit. “Yes and Amen”