You would not believe this. Someone with a Christian Blog wrote that we should not be concerned about False Preachers and Teachers. We should just mind our business and be more concerned with what we do wrong. Would that things were that simple – they’re far from it.
Sorry to say this: that Brother is terribly Naive………and what an Extremist View to take. It’s pretty Risky. Let’s just shut our eyes to the Evil that takes place on the Church Scene shall we? So we can maybe walk blindly into one of those Deceptive Churches run by the Devil’s Servants – none the wiser and become deluded? I think Not, I’d rather Avoid those Calamities. Especially if I am bringing up Kids – it’s so important for them. I don’t like Nasty Surprises.
Can you see the Error in his advice Folks, when JESUS said to “Watch Out for Hirelings” and He described them as wolves in sheep’s clothing? They look and sound “Holy” maybe or they can Quote Lots of Scriptures. Maybe they’re like Kenneth Copeland who keeps saying “I Love People…. I Love People….” and I can show you a video where he literally says that Through his Teeth. It’s very Cringe-Worthy and it’s full of Sickly Phony Fake Smiles, not to mention a moment of Rage. It was also made known that he sent $5,000 Bribe Money to the Reporter’s Network following her Interview. Remember he asked for her name last thing in the Interview? Honestly, he is so Sleezy.
Don’t believe me? See HERE for Yourself. The “Great Bible Teacher” so many believe in to their detriment because his whole Following is Deluded AND they Empty their Pockets to him on a regular basis, in response to the Same Bag of Tricks…… “Scriptural Ways” to Twist God’s Arm if you’re not getting what you want, like Give More, Give Harder!
Come on Folks, the Guy’s a Joker and also Dangerous. Not to be Underestimated and there are many more “Preachers” like him with facial expressions less obvious (his are a real give away!) And as for him calling “God the Biggest Failure in the Bible”…….. did you not believe me? I found a Video again HERE for your disbelief. I actually saw the original. A Christian Lady recently “avoided me like the plague” when I mentioned that to her. She seemed quite mature but she was far too trusting of TV Preachers.
Other Webpages I have with Videos of well-know Hirelings are
for your Considerations in this Uncharted World of Modern Christianity – I have Researched for You.
Oh and, I should not leave out this Video HERE.
Many of us would not dare Discredit God by our Words or Actions.
These Profligates give it “All They’ve Got!”
It baffles me why He does not Blot them Out – I Surely would if I could.
Things are getting Outrageous out there and have been for a long time. They have no Healthy Fear of God – it is beneath them – I’m sure you will agree they have lost Sight of Conscience. They have made God’s House a Circus and a Den of Thieves. There are Faithful Servants of God on YouTube who are dedicated to Exposing them, like Justin Peters and Mike Winger. I’m sure there are Nicer things they would like to do if it were not so necessary. I can relate with that.
Sometimes when I write or say something, some of you may Shut off in Disbelief, shocked at something I have to Report for Your Sake and Your Kids. You find it Staggering, I should say such things and your Reaction says “How can you say that about Him or Her? He’s a Man of God or She’s a Woman of God!” You batten down the Hatch on what you will or won’t believe and say “Not My (Celebrity) Preacher!”………… ”Don’t Touch Him or Her!”……….”God will Judge You for That!”………. and you probably say to yourself “I must be Careful of Janet now!” and you Defend those Hirelings to the Hills.
My goodness me, I find much of that kind of thing staggering too – some of them are coming out in their True Colors now who have been hiding things for Years. It IS Unsettling, I know. Of-course it is!
Dear Christians, can I Kindly say this to you? The Church has been in a somewhat Backslidden State some time ago, followed by a lot of Social Gospel – devoid of True Gospel Teaching and Sound Scriptural Preaching – that can make our Spiritual Vision Poor when it comes to Recognising True and Fake Gospel etc when we hear it.
It’s Sad to see, it’s really Sad, but here’s where you get to Prove your Real Stand for Jesus, how True Your Love for HIM IS – never mind Good Preachers – I want to know “How Strong is Your Allegiance to JESUS?” Yes Really? Because Your Allegiance to Him Alone and Your CLOSENESS to HIM (no others before Him) will determine how CLEARLY you can HEAR HIS VOICE.
Yes it Will. Jesus said to “Love Him will ALL our Heart and Mind and Strength” that doesn’t leave any room for “Putting Preachers First” does it? Didn’t the Apostle Paul write in Scripture “NOT to Say I Follow Paul or I Follow Apollos?” Yet most Christians do exactly that. They ask each-other “Who do You Follow?” (meaning the Preacher) or “Where do You Belong?” meaning a Local Church or Denomination (they did not even Exist in Early Days of Christianity) and “Whose Your Covering?” when that’s actually not Scriptural – it’s The Lord’s Rightful Place. Don’t sell yourself so cheap – to a Preacher, a Church, Denomination or Anything!
Jesus PAID for Your Redemption – You BELONG to HIM.
Do you know this? For decades, I find this to be true; When Christians meet in public when shopping, whatever, they talk more about their Pastor or Church than they do about Jesus? In fact He is not often mentioned. Yet Everyone wants Answered Prayers, right? And Jesus said “Not to Pray Amiss” hey? Tell me, how do you pray CLOSE Prayers when your Affections are so divided?
Does not the Scripture say “Acquaint yourself with ME and be at Peace. Thereby My Goodness will Come to You?” it Comes from sharing Time with Him in that Intimate Place (on a daily basis)
This is a “Restless Generation” and you don’t find that Special Place in His Presence by being Engaged in the Things of the World OR Over-Engaged in so many Services; Church Programs; TV Preaching; Preacher’s Books, CDs and DVDs.
Has it even occurred to us that The Lord wants “Audience of One with Us?” That’s what that Verse above is all about. Shall we say “YES LORD” I will Come, because HIS VOICE is Not in all the Activities around you;
it is Not in those Winds of Doctrines on TV – all Manner of them; it is Not in Your Pastor’s Sermons each week or your Favorite Recordings; it’s HIS STILL SMALL VOICE when we Draw Aside with Him.
And when you do find that Secret Place with Him in the Recesses of your heart, try not to get Restless and move quickly away aye? Spend some time there with Him. Then these Words shall ring True in your experience “In Quietness and Confidence shall be Your Strength” God Bless You.