Some Dilemmas In My Experience With Church People Through The Years

I’m making a Line of Demarcation here with that which is Christian Behavior according to Scripture and that which Is Not – for the purpose of this Article, we will call that “Church Behavior”

Friends, when we Become Christians, we are told in Scripture to have Godly Behavior – that is to “Be on our Best” Behavior…….not our Worst, that is Not Acceptable…….that “IS OUT With God Almighty” OK?

“Let those who Use the Name of The Lord depart from Iniquity”

For many years now, Church Christians have been “Getting Away With A Lot” 1. While calling themselves Christians 2. Attending Services 3. Singing Songs and Breaking Bread 4. Praying for Needs to be Met 5. Looking Good in the Pastors Eyes (they act different when they are around them)

This is Not “Being Answerable To God” is it? Come against “Part-Time Christianity”……..that’s exactly what Local Church Attendance is most times Friends and it’s not getting any better. In fact, it’s worse in These Times, when People are Stessing Out – including Church People, who are not Living the Life. Clearly speaking, most of them are Not.

So hence speaking, we see the Words of the Apostle Paul “Come to Life” again, in what OUR Christian Life – conduct, manner, behavior – should really be like.

If we read Our Scriptures properly, Paul was a real Father Figure who addressed this type of thing in several Letters to Christians. He considered these things to be So Important, he spent time on that. He even said to one group of Christians, he could not address them as Spiritual because their behavior wasn’t right, and they were acting like Kids – Immature.

And that’s where it’s at, if we want to be really honest with God. Yet every Church-Attending person – the good and the bad ones – want their Prayers Answered, right? But I’ve something to tell you: The Lord cannot bless that kind of person. Indeed not, so they keep asking their Pastor for Prayer because they face so many unanswered prayers, and you wonder why this is so?

We have just been reading why. So many times, they are one of the main reasons why so many “new Christians leave Church” because things being the way they are with so many uncommitted Christians in the Church Scene, you can be sure they have encounted some of that behavior and left when it became stressful in some way and 1. They wished to discontinue Church Affiliations with such hypocrisy 2. They were upset or even damaged in some way.

I mean to say, some Church Attending Christians are quite reckless, yet they can consider themselves to be quite pious. Did I mean what I said? Yes! Will I retract that “No!” Because sad to say, it’s So True. This is where the rubber meets the road, if you really want Answered Prayers and to be better Examples for the Faith that is in Christ Jesus – introduced to us by The Lord Himself and the Apostles.

In fact, just in my own Life in The Lord, through the decades, I have many Examples I can give you of poor conduct and ungodly behavior – outside of Church attendance time and some On the Church Scene. And I believe one of the reasons I have been allowed to encounter them, is because in time, the Spirit of God had planned to expose such through me, towards purifying Believer’s hearts and lives.

So don’t ask me to hold back on this and “spare the Churches Reputation” because it’s already bad folks and we ALL need to be Accountable before Our God “fulltime” not to Pastors “partime” ……..

Yes, if you really want Christianity to be more appealing to people: each one of you, be the 1st to grow in Christlike attributes and godly behavior. Don’t be calling many people who have “Left Church” backsliders, when in actual fact, there’s So Many Backslidden “In Church”……that’s the Sad Reality.

So happens, the “Unbelievers” were right in what they have been saying all the way long “There’s too many hypocrites in Churches” YES, We Are the Modern Day Pharisees, if we are not Living the Life. And this Must Change if we do not want Heaven to Retain JESUS and we really wish for His Coming – looking for His Appearance, if we are Truly passionate about the Lover of our Souls and Mankind.

So it brings me no Joy to now proceed with many Encounters I’ve had with Church Going Christians through the years and say “Friends, we can do better than this” we really can……and we must…..if we say “We are Christians”……….”We believe in Jesus”……. “We love Jesus” Lets be Mindful Christians: It really does matter What we Say; How we Think; What we Do; How we Act.

And please show some respect as you read on – appreciate the following is not for information purposes, but to do a work in the Body of Christ (whoever reads this) appreciate it has Cost Me far too much, for Believers to “take such things lightly” and continue to live as many do, after reading this.

Do also remember the “Sufferings of Christ” for Our Salvation, what it Cost Him to Save you by Grace, and those of our dearly beloved Apostle Paul who delivered to us so much of the New Testament Scriptures our Faith is based on. Remember the Patriarchs who also Paid a Price for their Faith in God.

Have to Love the Heart of King David who said on one occasion “I will Not give to The Lord what Costs Me Nothing!” And that needs to be the Heart of Every True Believer as we draw So much Closer to the Coming of Christ. It really does.

Whoever told us it will Cost us Nothing? These are not the Expectations Jesus has of us, revealed in some of His Words to us in the Gospels.

NO……..but Social Gospel Preachers will tell you Exactly That with their Santa-Christ emphasis aka “that’s alright, He will do Everything For You – you have to do absolutely Nothing for Him”……..that’s an absolute Devilish Agenda, that is. Do you know that can actually cause you to lose your Salvation? That is If You Are Saved! Because if you discovered Jesus through that kind of Message/Influence, you Really Need Saving!

Different to what many assume FAITH Does Not Come Cheap. If it does, there’s something wrong with You – the Way You are Living a Christian life.

Jesus did say when He Comes, there will be many like the Unwise Maidens who failed to keep their Lamps Lit and not-so-many who were passionate in their Love for Him and Kept their Lamps Well Lit,
looking for His Coming.

The Oil in that Lantern signifies a Heart that glows with a passionate Love for Jesus. And that involves Commitment – like you have for your Spouse and Family. No Less!

Yet we expect Him to “Answer Our Prayers” hey? Do you have a Two Way Communication with The Lord of Glory or just giving your petitions and voicing your concerns? That’s pretty Selfish when we think about it, isn’t it?

So what this Article/Address is encouraging Today Friends, is not Cheap Christianity. Come against it in your hearts and lives.

“We are all laid bare before Him we have to do with” nothing is hidden from Him, yet many think they are when it comes to their words and actions.

Practice Ownership when you say or do something wrong (me included, the writer is not exempt) and keep these things in mind as you read on.

Keep in mind also, we can Sin against Others, not only The Lord. And we most assuredly will give an Account for those when we meet Our Maker.

To Be Continued