We were made in the Image of God, a tri-part being (Body, Soul and Spirit). Our God as revealed throughout Scripture (especially the original Hebrew) is three in One – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Soul itself is our Mind, Will and Emotions. These truths are taught throughout the Body of Christ. Our spirit is the part of us that is Born Anew when we receive Jesus and He comes to live inside of us. As children of a Heavenly Father, we can have Healing and Wholeness imparted to us through the Holy Spirit who is sent to be with us throughout our days on this Earth until Jesus Comes.
I am writing about these things to bring an awareness that will facilitate Moving with God and having healthier expectations when we take a step of Faith to believe The Lord for things.
In part, our Imagination was hijacked at the Fall of Man to evil and vain imaginations. So for the most part throughout the years, it has not really functioned as it is meant to.
Many of us have known someone who is a natural with Crafts, gifted with Art or plays Music by ear (without being trained). Some have witnessed the life of an inventor and we all use inventions such as the light globe etc And many have heard the Music of great Composers, even if it was in an old fashioned movie for instance. In the main, you could say (those whose works are good) are men and women who had their imagination harnessed (in part) by God our Creator.
When our fore-parents Adam and Eve fell out of the place of personal fellowship with God
this wonderful God Given faculty that was after the likeness of our Creator, died in a sense,
because it lacked the love, joy and peace of God and the holiness of God, the fresh consciousness of His Presence.
So this God given faculty has become tarnished with the “Knowledge of Good and Evil” whereby it/we are effected by worry, fear, sin, anxiety, apprehension. It tends to pull towards negative wandering thoughts, like gravity and is damaging to our emotions.
God made us with a healthy mind and emotions, to be centred on Him and around Him; our relating with each-other to be a wholesome outworking of that.
Now at Calvary, Christ has redeemed us (on an individual basis, each life who comes to Him and is reborn). This includes our imagination and most of us are not living in this blessing. Provision has been made at Calvary through the shed Blood of Jesus our Redeemer. It closely relates to “being renewed by the spirit of our minds”.
Meditation is a wonderful thing, where our mind feels free to reflect on beautiful things in nature and The Lord’s Creation. This does not have to be New Agy or Eastern meditation. As God’s children, we should always choose the Pure Stream (David in Psalms used to experience this often and the patriarchs who wrote the Songs of Ascent PS 120-134).
We need to take ownership of our imagination – this God given faculty – and yield it unto The Lord – not disown it. If we don’t do this, it can only be used against us often and our Heavenly Father does not want that for us.
Godly Imagination is picturing those things that God says is so.
The Holy Spirit would like you to know this, our Imagination is closely linked to our Will and Emotions and The Lord can even Move on our Imagination through our Spirit. So please don’t debunk our Imagination from our God given faculties from The Lord. There is a new awareness coming to the hearts and lives of many Believers of this wonderful Gift we have. In fact – if used in a God given way – it is one of the missing links in our Walk with The Lord, most of us have been missing out on. And also for healing, with certain individuals.
At this time, the Holy Spirit is Raising Up Ministries with Testimonies, who have experienced this blessing and are teaching us how to enter into it. Yes, our Imagination is being restored in The Lord at this Time and I feel sorry for those who are resisting it because they sometimes have the ability to discern Evil that effects us and not the Good He has Created. So if you do not see this personally, try not to hinder others from this Blessing from our Holy God.
Do you know that Holiness in Hebrew also means Wholeness? And that The Lord is bringing Wholeness to His children. Time is short, there’s no more time for childish arguments that hinder the Faith of many. Those days are over, so be careful you are not resisting the very healing and wholeness that is meant for you or someone-else.
New-Age is a real deterrent to Christians often when it comes to certain Truths they have mixed with error. Remember this brothers and sisters in Christ, that there cannot be a counterfeit without a REAL. But JESUS is Bigger than that! We have to grow up now and embrace the Real while rejecting the counterfeit. At the same time, I would counsel you not to go to a tainted source of information for knowledge of these things the Spirit of God is Restoring but rather, go to the Pure Stream of teaching in Christian Books and CDs that precious men and women of God are making available now.
In Hebrew, the word Peace means more than Peace. It is SHALOM that also means “Nothing Missing, Nothing Broken”. In the Greek and Hebrew languages, there are 8-10 words for our 1-2 words. The Lord is also raising up New Translations of His Word in recent years and present that are richer (very close to original Hebrew text) that other Translations miss out on – even though they are correct – because so much richness of the Hebrew text is usually lost when translated into English.
Michael Card writes these words:
“When we ‘imagine’ what is it we are doing? I don’t pretend to fully understand the mystery of the human heart, but I believe it is safe to say that when we ‘imagine’ something is taking place in our hearts; literally our minds are working with our hearts to create images (hence image-ination).
The heart and mind must work in concert; they must be connected by a bridge. In my thinking, this is what I call the imagination. It is a bridge between the heart and mind. It seeks to re-integrate and reconnect them, since they were fragmented by the Fall of Man. The imagination that has been surrendered to God for the process of listening to the scriptures, I call the biblical imagination.”
I just found this on the Believers.Org website:
There are only two ways for a human to “see” something:
Physical vision through their eyes, or Imagination.
Without imagination: man would be completely limited — virtually robots. All human progress has been born out of imagination — the ability to “see” things differently than they were.
The only way a human can see the past or the future unaided, is through their imagination. Memory uses the imagination. Much of our thinking, whether planning or “jumping to conclusions,” involves our imagination. Fear and faith operate in the realm of imagination.
Many top athletes successfully use their imagination in training. Vividly imagining a successful action seems to be more effective in training than doing it physically. When we experience an event vividly in our imagination it is imprinted as an experience, even though we did not physically do it.
Children seem to naturally have active imaginations. As we grow older and become more “educated” we tend to use our imaginations less and less.
Everyone has used their imagination negatively by worrying. We should use the same process in a positive way, based on God’s Word.”
Five years ago in 2012, The Lord gifted me with poetic language just like Helen Steiner Rice.
I started writing pleasant poems on Love, Joy and Peace, Nature and Creation.
Many times I could picture myself in the setting I was writing about and I usually write poems in His Presence – seldom when I’m not, the inspiration does not come.
So to me, Sanctified Imagination can be linked to your heart, mind and spirit simultaneously at the same time. Imagination, allowed to run rampant or even acting on impulses of fears, doubts and anxieties can make one feel quite ill and can even have you running off-course in your walk with The Lord or something He wants you to do. Therefore, it makes perfect sense to me, to let The Lord harness it, so we can walk with Faith in our spirit, Joy in our heart and Loving thoughts more often.
It is not Eastern Meditation etc to picture God Loving You, Our Home in Heaven, Wonderful Scenery He has Created etc This makes for Wholeness. And I would not worry about Visualization in
New-Age either. Remember, there can’t be a counterfeit without a Real.
It is a real blessing to yield our faculties to The Lord.
I would like to recommend these writings to you:
Helping to transform your vision of God, yourself and others.
By Kerry Kirkwood
Reveals the part of spiritual life that is often shunned or closeted away
because it may seem New Age or too unconventional.
How can we move effectively with God when our Imagination is at cross-purposes?
How can we believe in Faith when we are picturing different outcomes?
Scriptural Hope is a pleasant expectation.
Loving others is easier when we expect the best in them.
“Casting down negative imaginations such as fear, worry and anxiety, apprehension of failure, helps us to Run our Race, as we commit our faculties to Him and exercise Godly Imagination over the temptations of fear, worry and anxiety…….considering all the Good things our God can do and is doing through us”
(Janet’s Paraphrased Version)
Ask The Lord to Bless your Imagination and Meditate on His Words.
Expect the Best of God, Yourself and others.
Start Today!