
Loveless Christianity: Come Against It But Don’t Defect From The Faith

That’s it. That’s enough for me, I’ve really had enough of this kind of thing.
I’m confronting an issue many of you have had with Churchy-Christians.
That Is:
Unkind Words, Repeated Unanswered Phone Calls and Texts.

After an awful lot of this in recent years, I sent a Text to the last Offender I will ever put up with again.
It reads:

“This will make you happy. You can delete my Nb if you wish. Just don’t worry about it. I almost broke the other day from repetitions of this kind of thing. Christians have been used to almost decimate my Faith in Christianity at times with their heartless communications.
I thought you were more mature.”

My Honesty was then Misconstrued.

She texted these words back to me: You deliberately guilt people into answering the phone. Your texts and conversations are full of manipulative strategies/language.…

Whose Heaven Is This? Seriously This Lady Isn’t Well Yet People Follow Her – Appeal To Reason.

Christian “Prophetess”: In Heaven, Cows Drive Tractors and There’s a Jell-O City

The last time we heard from Kat Kerr, the self-proclaimed Christian “Prophetess” says she met Jesus and He’s six feet tall and “very handsome.” And she also claimed He lives in a mansion where he loves dancing and desserts.

Sounds more like Prince Charming from Fairy Tales than our King o Kings and Lord of Lords. Please remember it’s alright to be cautious and always weigh things up with Scripture. Her visions are mostly far removed from His Word – we do not have to believe everything we hear. The Apostle Paul strongly advised us not to, yet so many Christians do that these days with anything and everything!

In a compilation of clips from her latest episode, Kerr explains that Heaven is really just a giant magical theme park.…


Look at Proverbs 3:13-15 , then Verse 17,18

BECOMING HIS BODY of BELIEVERS AGAIN – FUNCTIONING AS A FAMILY! Make your own decisions how you can best do this.

Most Church Services Are Making Christians Spiritually Weak Because There’s No Interaction And The Presence Of God Becomes Something Of Second Importance. In Fact, Most Modern Day Services Are Devoid Of His Presence Because Their Practices Grieve The Holy Spirit. Neither Will Ever Change Lives – They Quench The Moving Of The Spirit Of God. That’s Right, That’s What Most Services Do. Sorry But It’s True. They Will Not Help You Grow Spiritually Like Personal Time Spent In His Presence And Prayer-Reading Scriptures. Also, It’s In Applying Them In Our Daily Lives That We Grow.

Top This Up With “Gatherings of Two or Three” and Family Worship At Home, You Have A Real Pattern For Growth.…